Incomplete Progress

I don’t know if the facts mentioned here are accurate or not. I assume so. And for my inclination, obviously, it’s believable. If the facts are as reported, this is progress. But I want to be weary of first reports, always, so that’s what I want to say on the claimed facts.

My focus is the lede of the article.

A British GP is to be prosecuted by an outraged mother for assault after circumcising her baby boy without her consent.

The day that is written as, “A British GP is to be prosecuted by an outraged mother for assault after circumcising her baby boy without his consent” will be better progress.

There’s no complaint about the article for its lede. It mentions the ethical issue of the child’s consent in the next paragraph. We’re getting close to when the framing will finally be right, and people recognize the rights violation is to the child, not his mother and/or father in certain circumstances.

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